BI Firenze
Postato il: 15/01/20
Tempo di lettura: 0 minuti, 38 secondi
Per scaldarci un po vi proponiamo alcuni idioms stagionali. Provate a indovinare cosa possono significare. Le risposte alla fine della pagina.
- Cold hands, warm heart
- Tip of the iceberg
- Break the ice
- Run hot and cold
- Freeze one's blood
- Walking on thin ice
- Not a snowballs's chance in hell
- Add fuel to the fire
- As snug as a bug in a rug
Alla prossima!
- a cold person may hide a good heart
- only a small part of somethig bigger
- do or say something to relieve tension or get conversation going
- alternate between opposite extremes, such as enthusiasm and disinterest
- sudden feeling of great fear
- be in a risky situation
- extremely unlikely or impossible
- make a situation worse
- cozy and comfortable